Select points in the circuit to check against user defined limits.
alarm alarm mode points ... ... alarm mode + points ... ... alarm mode - points ... ... alarm mode clear
The `alarm' command selects points in the circuit to check against limits. There is no output unless the limits are exceeded. If the limits are exceeded a the value is printed.
There are separate lists of probe points for each type of analysis.
To list the points, use the bare command `alarm'.
Syntax for each point is:
parameter(node)(limits) parameter(componentlabel)(limits) parameter(index)(limits)
Some require a dummy index.
For more information on the data available see the print command.
You can add to or delete from an existing list by prefixing with + or -. alarm ac + v(3) adds v(3) to the existing set of AC probes. alarm ac - q(c5) removes q(c5) from the list. You can use the wildcard characters * and ? when deleting.
alarm ac vm(12)(0,5) vm(13)(-5,5)
Check magnitude of the voltage at node 12 against a range of 0 to 5, and node 13 against a range of -5 to 5 for AC analysis. Print a warning when the limits are exceeded.
alarm op id(m*)(-100n,100n)
Check current in all mosfets. In op analysis, print a warning for any that are outside the range of -100 to +100 nanoamps. The range goes both positive and negative so it is valid for both N and P channel fets.
alarm tran v(r83)(0,5) p(r83)(0,1u)
Check the voltage and power of R83 in the next transient analysis. The voltage range is 0 to 5. The power range is 0 to 1 microwatt. Print a warning when the range is exceeded.
List all the probes for all modes.
alarm dc
Display the DC alarm list.
alarm ac clear
Clear the AC list.