Remove a line, or a group of lines, from the circuit description.
delete label ... delete all
To delete a part, by label, enter the label. (Example `DEL R15'.) Wildcards `*' and `?' are allowed, in which case, all that match are deleted.
To delete the entire circuit, the entire word ALL must be entered. (Example `DEL ALL'.)
After deleting anything, there is usually no way to get it back, but if a fault had been applied (see fault command) restore may have surprising results.
“clear” is similar to, but a little more drastic than delete all.
delete all
Delete the entire circuit, but save the title.
delete R12
Delete R12.
delete R12 C3
Delete R12 and C3.
delete R*
Delete all resistors. (Also, any models and subcircuits starting with R.)
Clear out everything to start over.