Make measurements on a circuit, based on stored data.
measure param-name = measurefunction(args)
The “measure” command sets parameters, like the “parameter” command, but the value after a measure is a number.
It is used to make measurements on a circuit, such as slew rate, crossings, or average value.
Before using a “measure” command, you need to store the data for the probe points you might want to measure. This is done with the store command. If you don't specify, no data is stored.
Then you need to do some kind of analysis, such as transient or ac.
For better accuracy of measurements, it is best to specify the option “trace all” on a transient command.
The message “no match” means that the probe you selected was not stored.
“Point” here refers to time, frequency, or whatever is the independent “x” value.
Before making measurements, you need to store the data to measure:
gnucap> store tran v(*) id(m*) gm(m*)
Then do the analysis
gnucap> transient 0 100u 1u trace all
Now you are ready to measure:
gnucap> measure t2 = cross(probe="v(out)" cross=0 rise last)
Find the last time that v(out) crosses 0, going up.
gnucap> measure t1 = cross(probe="v(out)" cross=0 rise last before=t2)
Find the last rising zero crossing before t2.
gnucap> param period = {t2-t1} gnucap> param frequency = {1/period}
Params are interpreted like a functional language so they will be updated whenever t1 or t2 changes.
gnucap> measure meanvalue = mean(probe="v(out)" begin=t1 end=t2)
Find the mean value of v(out) over one cycle.
gnucap> measure sample = mean(probe="v(out)")
Find the mean value of v(out) for an entire run.
gnucap> measure area = integrate(probe="v(out)" begin=t1 end=t2)
Find the area under the curve of v(out) over one cycle. The area might be zero.
gnucap> measure rms = rms(probe="v(out)" begin=t1 end=t2)
Find the RMS value of v(out) over one cycle.
gnucap> measure rmsin = rms(probe="bar(in)") no match: bar(in)
You didn't store the probe “bar(in)”.